CRG Internal Billet adapter for 1" handlebars. Use in conjunction with CRG LS 3.2, LS 2.2, Arrow, Hindsight, Hindsight LS, and Blindsight bar end mirrors!
This is the Billet Internal Adapter for the LS 3.2, LS 2.2, Arrow, Hindsight, Hindsight LS and Blindsight Billet Bar End Mirrors. CRG make this assembly to offer an alternative to the basic Bar End Mirror mount.*
Before purchasing the mirror adapter, try moving your grips and controls inboard (away from the end of the bar). In many applications, the mirror can be mounted with the basic mount.
The 1" Adapter kit assembly will work on bars with internal diameters as small as 18.3mm (.720") and as large as 22.25mm (.876").